Get MEA Attestation in India

VLS Approved By MEA Delhi India

We are provide the service of Certificate attestation from MEA(ministry of external affairs) India

MEA Attestation in India

Variath Legal Services is a Lawyer lead MEA Attestation service agency having offices in all major cities like India.

VLS is the abbreviation of Variath Legal Service is an MEA Service Agency which is having more than 12 years experience in MEA Attestation services with a professional team, as such we know how to take care of your valuable certificates and get required MEA Attestation in short period.

Attestation fees for MEA is 90 rupees but MEA wont directly Attest in a Certificate, they require the Certificate to be directly Attested either from Regional Authentication Department or from the SDM in Delhi who is Authorized by MEA to Authenticate | Attest all Indian Documents.

We at VLS MEA Attestation services provide fast service with very low service charges, your hard earned valuable Certificates are safe with us, online tracking of Certificate | Document is possible. Speak to our experienced friendly customer service executive now.

What is MEA Attestation Services ?

MEA Approved Agency All original documents and certificates that have to be apostille or attested should be first authenticated by the respective agencies in the state from where the certificate has been issued. In case of personal documents, General Administration Department/ Home Department are the respective authorities. In case of educational documents, you have to first get them attested from the Education Department of the concerned state Union/Government Territory.

The details of the Regional Authentication Centre (RACs) in the UTs/ States from where the certificates should first be authenticated. The Ministry of External Affairs attests the certificates and documents based on the signature of the respective signing authorities of the Union Territory/ State Government/ Chambers of Commerce; thus it does not take responsibility of the contents of the certificates and documents.


India is a member of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, eradicating the requirement of legalization of foreign documents and certificates. Apostille is acceptable in 114 member-nations of the convention. (List of Countries under Hague Convention).

Apostille is done for personal certificates and documents such as marriage/ death/ birth, Power of Attorney, Affidavits, etc. and educational documents and certificates like matriculation, diploma, degree and secondary level certificates etc.

Normal MEA Attestation:

The normal attestation is doing for all the countries which are not a member of Hague Convention and where Apostille is not accepted. (List of Countries which are not a member of Hague Convention)

Step1: Authentication of Documents

Applicant Regional Authentication Centres (RACs) (Details of RACs)

  • Personal Document: Home/General Administration Department of State /Union Territory
  • Educational Document: Education Department of concerned State/Union Territory
  • Commercial Document: Respective Chambers of Commerce.

Commerce Documents

Commercial Documents have to be pre-authenticated by the designated Chambers of Commerce before these can be attested by the MEA, Ministry of External Affairs.

Important Note:

Authentication/Legalisation of documents: MEA will do after signing up, officials are enrolled in key signatures signed by the State / Region/ Chamber of Commerce. MEA is not taking responsibility of content of document.

Decentralization of Attestation/ Apostille Services. MEA for Attestation/Apostille services have been decentralized to Branch/Centre in 15 cities Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore/ Bengaluru, Thrivandrum/Thiruvanantapuram. (w.e.f. January 01 2019,)

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is not accepting documents directly from the applicant/individual, all documents for the purpose of Attestation/Apostille by MEA are to be submitted and collected from authorised agencies.

Documents Required for Persona/Educational certificate attestation for MEA attestation

Only original documents and certificates e.g. Degree, Diploma, Birth, Marriage, affidavit, duly authenticated by the respective signing authorities of the State Governments are Apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs. Apostille is done on the back side of the original document. The applicant has to submit the following documents:

  • One clear photocopy of the passport
  • Original document has to be apostilled or attested
  • One clear photocopy of the document

At Variath Legal Services, we strive to offer MEA attestation services to make the entire process simple and easy for you. You can deposit and collect back documents either through an authorized representative or person. Documents and certificates will be returned/ delivered only on production of receipt for payment of service charge. However, if at any stage of the attestation, document or certificate is found to be fake or the authentication forged, the same would be seized by the Ministry of External Affairs. The Ministry might also initiate the legal action against the applicant. The services charged to the Ministry of External Affairs or Variath Legal Services cannot be returned in any circumstance.

Please note: for MEA attestation, original documents and certificates have to be pre-authenticated first by the designated Home Department or HRD. We provide attestation services in all major cities of the country. Through our dedicated attestation services, we help you in completing the process without unnecessary delay.

Fees & Charges per document for Apostille/normal attestation by MEA will be ₹ 90/- per document/certificate.

It's time to make attestation
A hassle-free process!

Still wondering? Get in touch with us right away and we will help you complete attestation process timely.


086453 22535

Opening Hours

10:30 AM to 6:30PM